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The Product
The Market
The Process
The Reward

The Reward

Imagine earning the income that you want...

Imagine being able to work when and where you want to...

Imagine what you could do if you had the time and money...

Where would you go?

At TreadStar Communications we have developed an opportunity to allow you to make your own decisions. You can work this business from wherever you want to... all you will need is an Internet connection and a telephone.

With just a few easy sales, you can earn substantial commissions plus long term residual income. As a full time Representative your sales could generate an income to make most of us smile.

The earnings are up to you. As with most things in life, you get out what you put in. Our payment schedule is very aggressive with commissions ranging from 20% to over 30%. In affiliation with Visa and MasterCard companies, you will also earn .25% on each transaction that takes place on your  merchant account that uses one of these cards, providing you with a residual income for as long as you are a TreadStar Communications Representative.

Payment Schedule

Representative Level  Number of Carts Sold Payment per Cart
Copper 1-25  $80.00
Bronze 26-50 $90.00
Silver 51 - 150 $100.00
Gold 151 - 300 $110.00
Platinum 301 + $120.00

How much money can you make?

You decide! Sell just 5 shopping carts a day (there are over 1 million businesses in need of our services) and you will soon be earning over $2,000 a week!

Commissions on shopping cart sales are paid bi-weekly by TreadStar Communications. Residual income is paid monthly following the transaction reports from Visa, MasterCard.

An investment of $59 is required to become a TreadStar Communications Representative. This investment on your part covers our administrative expenses and materials to get you started. You will receive a TreadStar Communications Representative package, a personal web page, a email address, and the commitment of TreadStar Communications to support and enhance your business. Our Representative kit includes:

TreadStar Communications Portfolio
Welcome Letter
Business Plan
Representative Agreement
Representative Compensation Plan
Presentation Guide
Merchant Brochures
Business Cards
Printed Sample eMail Scripts
Printed Sample Telephone Scripts
Instructions for CD
TreadStar Communications Nametag

TreadStar Communications Representative CD

Computer Presentation
Word Documents
Business Plan
Rep. Compensation Plan
Business Card Layout
Sample eMail Scripts
Sample Telephone Scripts
Prospect Database Guide
Use of Documents Letter
email Setup
Webpage Setup
PDF Documents
Representative Agreement
Merchant Brochure
Personal Web page

TreadStar Communications is in the business of building relationships and developing new products to support and enhance the eCommerce industry. You can be a part of this revolution... or you can watch TV. Either way the revolution goes on.

To start earning more money... fill out an Application.

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Web Design and Service by TreadStar Communications